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Stories by M. J. Sager

Men explored the West, but Women civilized it.

Pioneering Women of the West

By Anna Kathryn Lanier

Coming in September at Hearts Through History Online Campus


The West was discovered by men looking for adventure and fortune.   But it was civilized by women who brought families, schools, churches, and stability to the area.


In PIONEERING WOMEN OF THE WEST, you’ll learn about the western movement, the treacherous journey hundreds of thousands of people took and the lives of specific women who helped shape the West, intentionally or not. Some went looking for a better life; others followed their man into the wilderness. 


There will be three lectures a week, with time for questions and answers and additional research on the participants’ part.


 Contact me to schedule this 4-week online class for your Campus:


The Hero’s Journey in The Mythological Woods

By Anna Kathryn Lanier

Coming in March to Hearts Through History Online Campus

Presenting Workshop at Yellow Rose of Texas RWA on Saturday, April 14, 2012.

Introduction to The Hero’s Journey, The Mythological Woods and other plotting ideas, such as the 3-act play, building a hero, links to online resources and more. The Hero's Journey will be explained through lectures and using the TITANIC movie as an example.


This class can be done in person (1-2 hours long) or online, so contact me to schedule a presentation to your writer's group!

When you speak your words echo only across the room
or down the hall.
But, when you write, your words echo down the ages. --Bud Gardner